About us

We are a seasoned creative team with an unrelenting passion for our work! Meet our core team which has, over years of cooperation, transformed into a great working group of people and friends with the right chemistry. And that's not all! Each project is original and we always build the crew according to the project's requirements in order to achieve the best possible result. That's why we collaborate with a lot of other talented camera operators, stylists, screenwriters, gaffers, production managers, technicians, etc. Our top priority is great cooperation and a flawless result. 

O U R  T E A M

Radim Věžník

Executive producer / Director / DOP / Editor

Dave Matsu 

Director / Camera operator / Editor / VFX

Martin Malcher

Production manager

Viktorie Čumpelíková

Set Design / Production manager

Kateřina Tišnovská

Make-up Artist / Hairstylist